Applying Just-in-Time Learning
I initially wanted to create a post to discuss what just-in-time learning is (inspired in part by a colleague's post here) and how it can be applied to coaching and ongoing personal and professional, and sometimes learning opportunities find us in the most unexpected...
What Did You Learn this Week Worth Sharing?
What Did You Learn this Week Worth Sharing? If nothing generic cialis kopen comes to mind, then what happened? What can you learn from that then?
Can You Learn without Showing It?
Think you learned something though you did not take informed (or any!) action? How do you know you learned anything at all if you do not witness a change in your knowledge, beliefs, or skills? How about those around you -- if we do not witness a change in you, can we...
Mid-Year Check-in and Check-up
Here we are at the start of the weekend. What do you want to be held accountable for accomplishing this weekend?
Moving Good Energy Forward
Here we are at the start of the weekend. What do you want to be held accountable for accomplishing this weekend?
Accountable Weekend for Feb 23-24
Here we are at the start of the weekend. What do you want to be held accountable for accomplishing this weekend?
Twitter Challenge: Day 10 – Which App Do You Use?
Twitter Challenge: Day 10 – Which App Do You Use?
OK, Sunday is often a sleepier day for many, so how about the last of our planned “new” tasks in learning Twitter in our challenge?
Twitter Challenge: Day 9 – Direct Messages
Twitter Challenge: Day 9 – Direct Messages
You have rested enough on Saturday by now, so have you checked Twitter yet?
Twitter Challenge: Day 8 – Ping others with @
Twitter Challenge: Day 8 – Ping others with @
So, have you Tweeted yet today? Never too late, as there is no time or space or limits with our online presence AND our communities!!
Twitter Challenge Day 7: Check-in & Catch-up!
For our Twitter Challenge Day 7: Check-in & Catch-up! I wanted to try a Facebook Live for a more hands-on personal sharing of our #TribalSupport learning experience.
Twitter Challenge: Day 6 – When do you Tweet?
Twitter Challenge: Day 6 – When do you Tweet?
So, have you Tweeted yet today?
Waiting for anything in particular, or perhaps trying a different time?
Twitter Challenge: Day 5 – Engage with Others via RT and Likes
Twitter Challenge: Day 5 – Engage with Others via RT and Likes
To effectively use Twitter and find it actually engaging, we have to actively engage with people. Especially when we are new or start using an account, nobody knows who we are or what we are about, so the ball is in our court (so to speak) to engage with others.
Twitter Challenge: Day 4 – Explore Hashtags
Twitter Challenge: Day 4
We are beginning to progress in our work, and expand our challenge by adding one more component to Twitter — finding other tags!
Twitter Challenge: Day 3. Posting!
Twitter Challenge: Day 3
Here we are, already 3 days into our 15 day challenge! As today is Sunday, and we just started our challenge on a Friday, how about if we go easy on ourselves today while still practicing a bit of what we are learning and experiencing?
Twitter Challenge: Day 2
Twitter Challenge: Day 2
If the reasons we are doing this challenge are to Connect (with each other on Twitter via #TribalSupport), Engage (with a wider audience and via hashtags #), and Grow (outside our comfort zone by learning in public), then we need to take action!
Twitter Challenge ~ Feb 1-15 #TribalSupport
Today is the first day in our Twitter Challenge!
Part of the Challenge of Challenges in the Facebook Life Coach Tribal Support community, we thought, “Let’s actually CREATE a challenge WHILE we are sharing about how this can be effectively done!”
Embrace Your Opportunities
Everything we face in life can be considered an opportunity or a challenge, depending on how we approach it and and what we do with it.
It can be very easy to shrink from something the stretches us, or something that challenges us in ways that may lead us to uncertain outcomes, yet those are all the more reason to reframe our approach into embracing opportunities rather than retreating from challenges.
Where Will Your Big Ideas Take You?
We know where we will be if we stop learning new things, challenging our assumptions, or expanding our understanding of ourselves and the world around us.
Right, when we stop learning, we stop growing.
Unlearning Habits that Promote Injustice
Unlearning habits that promote injustice really means authentically learning for the first time.
Learning to Reinforce Injustice
Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and it is an opportunity to both celebrate his life and memory, while also consider what meaning this has for me and my life today. King was a civil rights activist and leader, and I think it is valuable to reflect on how this work was so important because it was so needed…