by Jeffrey Keefer | Nov 29, 2022 | Celebrating the Earth, Change & Transformation, Eco-Spirituality, Spirituality |
Taking inspiration from Valarie Kaur’s TED Talk, 3 lessons of revolutionary love in a time of rage, who can lead us when leaders are not appearing? Blaming others won’t help us solve the problem of our environmental crisis or likely upcoming mass extinction...
by Jeffrey Keefer | Nov 25, 2022 | Druidry, Nature, Spirituality |
I am inspired by some of my recent discussions with friends and colleagues about what eco-spirituality is and does, as I was surprised to not be able to find this information in a single place. I decided to create it to meet my own need! I welcome thoughts and...
by Jeffrey Keefer | Nov 24, 2022 | Challenges, Inspiration, Learning, Opportunity |
In this video, I discuss tips for reducing stress and being thankful in difficult times. Thanksgiving is a time to be grateful for all the good things in life, but it can be hard to maintain a positive attitude when things are tough. Let’s try to transform...
by Jeffrey Keefer | Nov 16, 2022 | Druidry, Reflective Practice, Spirituality |
In this short video, we’re talking about Courage – the ability to act appropriately in the face of adversity. Courage is one of the things that makes us human, and like all virtues, can be strengthened through habit and perseverance. We all face adversity from...
by Jeffrey Keefer | Nov 14, 2022 | Higher Education, Studying, Writing |
In this video, we’re going to be talking about plagiarism, and how you can avoid it. Plagiarism is a big problem in the world of academia, and it’s something that you don’t want to be caught up in. Instead, follow these easy steps and learn to use...
by Jeffrey Keefer | Nov 9, 2022 | Higher Education, Studying |
Are you feeling lost and overwhelmed as you start your studies again? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Every student feels a little bit like a freshman again at some point during their academic journey. If you’re feeling lost and unsure of what to do...
by Jeffrey Keefer | Nov 1, 2022 | Druidry, NYU Spiritual Life Advisors, Spirituality |
The virtue of #hospitality connects with Eboo Patel’s notion of a Theology of #interfaith Cooperation by honoring the beliefs and contributions of others while respecting what they share with us. A gracious host and appreciative guest would do nothing less. I am...
by Jeffrey Keefer | Oct 18, 2022 | Change & Transformation, Coaching, Education, Goals, Habits, Organizational & Workplace Learning, Studying |
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method for people who have trouble concentrating. It can be used in any situation that requires concentration, such as work or school. The technique is easy. Work for 25 minutes, then rest for 5 minutes. After 4 cycles, take...
by Jeffrey Keefer | Oct 12, 2022 | Habits, Opportunities, Spirituality, Theory |
It is important that we live our lives and thus engage in our actions by following what we believe to be good for us and the world around us. Many spiritual or religious traditions have different ways of listing or naming the virtues, yet they all point to indications...
by Jeffrey Keefer | Oct 11, 2022 | Coaching, Education, Goals, Habits |
The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed in the late 1980s. The technique uses a timer to break down work into intervals, traditionally 25 minutes in length, separated by short breaks. I used it for my doctoral research, and continue to use it...
by Jeffrey Keefer | Oct 2, 2022 | Camino de Santiago, Pilgrimage, Spirituality, Walking |
I embarked upon an 8-day, 87-mile (140-kilometer) walk along the Camino de Santiago de Compostella in France (the Chemin de Saint Jacques de Compostelle in French) in June of 2022. Pilgrimage is walking with intention, and the spiritual intention here involved...
by Jeffrey Keefer | Oct 11, 2019 | Opportunities, Organizational & Workplace Learning, Reflective Practice, Writing |
I finally wrote and published my first article on Medium. Please take a look, share it, and/or CLAP!! RSS - Posts RSS - Comments Subscribe Email Address Archives Archives Select Month October 2019 (4) September 2019 (1) August 2019 (6)...
by Jeffrey Keefer | Oct 8, 2019 | Nature, Opportunities, Organizational & Workplace Learning, Reflective Practice, Uncategorized |
Sometimes we need to pause along our journey, just breathe, and look around. Remarkable things to see we may otherwise miss if we only look ahead. RSS - Posts RSS - Comments Subscribe Email Address Archives Archives Select Month October 2019 (3)...
by Jeffrey Keefer | Oct 7, 2019 | Nature, Opportunities, Organizational & Workplace Learning, Reflective Practice, Uncategorized |
Which path should we follow?The one that others are on, as surely the wisdom of the crowd knows best?Perhaps an alternative, as opportunities abound where nobody else is looking?How about creating our own path, one that does not yet exist?There are no simple, clear,...
by Jeffrey Keefer | Oct 1, 2019 | Nature, Reflective Practice |
Solvitur Ambulando “It is solved by walking” The notion of Solvitur Ambulando, meaning “it is solved by walking,” has been used in many ways over the years. They all involve a form of active reflection, one that does not easily happen without...
by Jeffrey Keefer | Sep 30, 2019 | Nature, Reflective Practice |
Embracing Self-Care through Walking the Camino de Santiago I just returned from a goal I have been working toward over the past 30 years, that of walking the ancient pilgrim path across the north of Spain known as the Camino de Santiago. Many have traveled what is now...
by Jeffrey Keefer | Aug 22, 2019 | Opportunities, Reflective Practice |
I am working with a colleague who just finished a major milestone in a large work project, and is now dealing with the aftermath, clean-up, feedback, debrief, and preparations for the next steps. As can be expected, she is just burned-out from exhaustion and pressure...
by Jeffrey Keefer | Aug 15, 2019 | Education, Opportunities, Popular Culture, Reflective Practice |
You have likely heard people (including me!) talk about how important it is to learn from our experience. When we experience something, it imprints itself on us in a way that study alone, reading alone, discussing alone, just cannot do. In this way, we who work in...
by Jeffrey Keefer | Aug 12, 2019 | Education, Opportunities, Popular Culture, Reflective Practice |
Do you remember when you were younger, and the middle of August arrived with that mixture of excitement for going back to school along with that awful reminder that somebody else was getting ready to spring our new schedules on us?Strange how the passion for learning...
by Jeffrey Keefer | Aug 6, 2019 | Coaching, Opportunities, Organizational & Workplace Learning, Reflective Practice |
When we explore the cost of learning, we often find ourselves focusing on the cost in a transactional way. I pay this, and therefore I should get that.Easy peasy, but is that a realistic assessment for how learning works?Is it really that simple, that if I buy this...