Does September remind you of new opportunities?
Do you remember when you were younger, and the middle of August arrived with that mixture of excitement for going back to school along with that awful reminder that somebody else was getting ready to spring our new schedules on us?
Strange how the passion for learning and growing up somehow gets conflated with the concerns for lack of mindless free time, the need to fit in (or stand out), and changing temperatures that begin the countdown from 180 days of school remaining until the cycle starts again. Even if our memories of growing up were not pleasant, somehow September feels like . . . life.
September to me still feels like the cusp of something new and wonderful, just out of sight. While I have been taking some time away from attending formal education for a few years now, I always long for the comfort that comes with new learning, new challenges, and new opportunities.Â
I still feel September brings excitement and new hope to a weary world, and have been on an endless quest to bottle that exuberance so I can share it with friends and colleagues alike. Hey, if I could, I would even give it to those who are not friendly nor collegial as well, for I really believe that sharing the anticipation that comes with new opportunities helps everybody to grow.
With only a little time remaining in the formal summer of August, what are you looking forward to in September?