Who is up for a 5-day learning opportunity?

by Jul 12, 2019Challenges, Coaching, Reflective Practice7 comments

Just because we are in summer does not mean we take a vacation from our personal development! We may slow down a bit and take more time for ourselves to rest and recover from busy lives, though that does not mean our learning stops. Formal learning may pause, yet informal, experiential, just-in-time, and even social learning continues. If anything, these are the primary ways in which we learn anyway, though that is for another buy cialis rx post 😉

It may seem this time of summer is mindless, though I wonder if perhaps we can challenge that notion. Perhaps in taking time for ourselves, we can slow down and allow other ideas or thoughts to surface. Want to explore this for a week . . . like next week?

Who is up for a 5-day learning challenge starting on Monday?

This is what I am thinking. Choose one thing you want to know more about — nothing large-than-life, nothing intense, and nothing that will cause you anxiety (it is the summer, after all). Simply an area you want to explore, and then commit to learning more about it. We can share what we have in mind, share what happens when we explore it, and then help support one another in being accountable for learning just one thing each day.

No books to read. No reports to write. No papers to submit. Nothing stressful at all . . . more like a summer reading club where we choose the topic and then choose to share what the experience is like.

How does this sound?


  1. Scott Maderer

    Love this idea Jeffrey

    • Jeffrey Keefer

      Thanks for the feedback, Scott. Will hope this allows for flexibility for people to do whatever is valuable for them, while also allowing for us to share and support one another in the process.

    • John Conrad Ste Marthe

      Great idea Professor..how can I participate.

      • Jeffrey Keefer

        Glad you liked the concept, Conrad, and so nice to see you!! Thanks for the comment!!!

        I did this all last week, and invite you to do this whenever you want!

        I have a 5-day series on Goals this week, and invite your feedback on that. Just started this yesterday, and welcome your thoughts!

  2. Gwen Riedl

    This is a great idea, Jeffrey! I wonder if you could give us some structure such a few questions to outline the challenge such as “what is your goal?” “how will I measure progress?” “how will I use this in my life?” Definitely, keep it simple, but some constraints might help me from wandering off into summer dreamtime.

    • Jeffrey Keefer

      Great suggestion, Gwen! As valuable as freedom can be, without some structure it can spiral into anything, and as a result will lose any shared sense of a “Let’s do this together.” Will come up with some ideas and suggestions for this (along with when and where!!) over the weekend. Thanks for your questions!

  3. Jeffrey Keefer

    I just posted some guidelines about this in today’s post, and would love some feedback!!


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About Me

Jeffrey M. Keefer, Ph.D., is an educational consultant, institutional researcher and accreditation officer in higher education, professor of research methodology, nonprofit capacity building and strategic planning consultant, talent development coach, spiritual life advisor (chaplain) at New York University, spiritual director, and Wikipedian.

