I help people navigate their learning needs
and take informed action.
Training and Development Needs Analysis
Do you need help assessing your needs to see if training will actually work for you?
I have worked in organizational learning and development for nearly two decades, and have learned one thing above all else — it is easy to say this person or group needs training, yet it is entirely different to conduct a needs assessment and educational gap analysis to determine if improving knowledge, skills, or beliefs will really “fix” whatever the problem may be.
Working across nonprofit, higher education, and healthcare sectors, we know that budgets are tight and we have to ensure that anything spent to build staff capacity must work as intended, as otherwise we have wasted our resources.
I have engaged in formal needs analyses for management and leadership development programs, for new hire orientation, technology integration, strategic mission and visioning acceptance, and for mentoring and coaching programs. All of these share one thing in common — they all came after we conducted a needs analysis and determined that the the proposed solution would actually work within the organizational settings.
Want to talk about it and see if I can help?
Educational Design and Development
Do you need professional development, but not sure how to begin structuring it?
We all know that organizational learning does not follow a “build it and they will come” model. Quite the opposite.
Effective learning programs come only after they are planned, with effective and measurable learning objectives that can be measured to see if they actually make a difference. They require project management plans to ensure content is developed or purchased in an effective way. Communications across all stakeholders needs to be scheduled, and then actually done, to ensure all are on-board with the learning initiatives.
None of this happens through magic . . . it all happens through informed and intentional effort, especially when done by somebody who has had enough experience to distinguish between using best practices and not being distracted by shiny new objects that claim to work wonders without any concrete history of success.
Want to share some ideas and and see if I can help?
Training Implementation and Evaluation
Ready to implement and evaluate your training solution?
Training or professional development implementation, where we actually see the training or coursework happen, is where most people experience the learning event. It is here that all the initial planning is realized, with robust knowledge and skill development and transfer.
This is followed by evaluation to see if people learned what they needed to fill their gaps, and also for the organization to determine if this expenditire in time and resources was actually worth the efforts.
I have managed training program implementaion, both live in-person as well as through remote or distance facilitated or elearning solutions. This includes robust evaluation metrics to demonstrate levels of success.
Perhaps you need help in this area, from conducting this work to consulting about efforts that are already underway?
Education Needs that are . . . Unconventional?
Do you have Organizational Learning Needs that are not easy to articulate?
Does your organization have some capacity building needs that may not be easy to articulate?
Perhaps you are interested in implementing a knowledge management or wiki solution? Open education something to explore? Institutional research? Board development or startegic assessment?
Know this . . . in my work as a Wikipedian-in-Residence, Director of Training and Knowledge Management, and Director of Institutional Research . . . there are few things related to building or measuring human or organizational capacity that I have not directly worked with.
Want to discuss a novel need related to improving knowledge, skills, or perspectives?
I am Jeffrey Keefer, Ph.D.
Educational Consultant
& Coach
Perhaps you know you need
some help or guidance,
and you want to talk about
it and see if we may be aligned?
I am happy to meet with you
for a free 30 minute chat
to discuss your learning needs
and see if educational consulting
may be the answer!